(ア)a rare, aggressive cancer that attacks the nerves that branch off of the central nervous system
(イ)kept Lucas in his hospital bed for the majority of that time
(ウ)Lucas was unable to stand upright, walk without support
(エ)“I told Lucas if he wanted to play soccer in the fall he’d have to work for it,” says Jamie.
(オ)Lucas currently goes to PT every few months to ensure there is ongoing progress and to revise his home exercise program.
Back in Action: 5-Year-Old with Neuroblastoma Learns to Walk Again. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/patient-stories/580-back-in-action-5-year-old-with-neuroblastoma-learns-to-walk-again
ア sense
イ prone
ウ giving
エ check
オ ticket
カ put
キ burn
ク running
ケ according
コ address
(2) 自分の体のことを自分のように知っている人などいないので、自分の体の声に耳を傾けることはとても大切です。
No one knows your body like you do, and listening to your body is crucial.
(3) manifest = appear
(4) 加齢をなおすことはできませんが、時間の経過に伴う体の変化に合わせて代謝を調整するようになることはできます。
While there’s obviously no fix for ageing, you can learn to fine-tune your metabolism as your body changes over time
Smith, C. (2021, July 2). How to Fine-Tune Your Metabolism. Retrieved from https://www.readersdigest.in/better-living/story-how-to-fine-tune--your-metabolism-127226
(1)the long rest =hibernation
(2)at an early stage
(3)The authors suggest that it might be possible to develop drug therapies that could provide a similar cognitive boost to people, no hibernation required.
(4)vulnerable to Parkinson’s disease=susceptible to Parkinson’s disease
Woolston, C. (2022, April 15). Why Amazing Discoveries About Bear Hibernation May Help Improve Human Health. Knowable Magazine. Retrieved from https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-amazing-discoveries-about-bear-hibernation-may-help-improve-human-health-180979906/
In the future, our health will be taken care of by "invisible doctors" and "invisible nutritionists," who will work behind the scenes to keep us healthy, even when we are not aware of it. It is possible that we will even see people who say, "Wow, I just realized I'm 120 years old!"
In the future, healthcare will be advanced with the help of "invisible doctors" and "invisible nutritionists" who will take care of our health even when we are not actively thinking about it. It is possible that we will come across many people who will be surprised to find out they are 120 years old even without realizing it.
In the future, "invisible doctors" and "invisible nutritionists" will work behind the scenes to take care of our health without us even noticing. It is possible that one day, a number of people will be surprised to find out they are 120 years old without realizing (that) they have lived that long.